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This page provides talks by Buddha­dasa Bhikkhu and others, the chant­ing book used at the In­ter­na­tion­al Dharma Her­mit­age, and the yoga-routine Khun Rein­hard has taught for many years to the male par­tici­pants of the retreats for down­loading.

This page provides talks by Bud­dha­dasa Bhikkhu and others, the chant­ing book used at the In­ter­na­tion­al Dharma Her­mit­age, and the yoga-routine Khun Rein­hard has taught for many years to the male par­tici­pants of the retreats for down­loading.

Talks and Articles

For the time being the following talks, articles, chanting book from and about Suan Mokkh retreats are avail­able for down­loading.

A) Tan Ajahn Buddhadasa: Idappac­cayata (The law of con­di­tion­al­ity)

Eight talks by Tan Ajahn Buddha­dasa given during the rains retreat 1982, trans­lated by Tan Dham­ma­vidu.
The provided zip-file contains the following talks:
Title Type A4 Pages
01 - Idappaccayata  pdf     11
02 - Void mind  pdf     14
03 - Living in the present  pdf     08
04 - Birth  pdf     09
05 - God  pdf     09
06 - Nibbana  pdf     08
07 - Samsara  pdf     12
08 - The World and the Dhamma  pdf     10

The zip-file can be downloaded at
   Idappaccayata.zip (850 KB)

B) Tan Ajahn Buddhadasa: Selected Teachings

Selected Teachings are available at
   Selected Teachings.pdf (423 KB)

The wealth of Ajahn Buddhadasa's teach­ing is available via the links on the Wat Suan Mokkh - page of this website.

C) Other Readings

Author Title Type Size
John Silent World pdf 1.19 MB
Keeble A participant's experience
[June 2009]
Khun Meditation in daily life pdf 319 KB
Reinhard Excerpt from the book:
Flag-GB          Introduction to Buddhism
and to Buddhist Meditation
Meditation im täg­lichen Leben pdf 365 KB
Flag-DE          Auszug aus dem Buch:
Einführung in den Bud­dhis­mus
und in die bud­dhis­tische Meditation

Khun Reinhard's book "Introduction to Buddhism and to Bud­dhist Med­i­tation" in English language and "Ein­füh­rung in den Bud­dhis­mus und in die bud­dhis­tische Me­di­tation" in German language is avail­able at


Cover Chantingbook 02
Many par­tici­pants enjoy the chant­ing during the retreat and would like to continue after they leave. The chant­ing book used during the retreats at the In­ter­na­tion­al Dharma Her­mit­age can be downloaded as pdf-file (36 pages) at
   Chanting Book.pdf (1223 kB)


Right from the start it has to be stressed that the retreats at the In­ter­na­tion­al Dharma Her­mit­age are med­i­ta­tion and not yoga retreats. The purpose of doing yoga during the retreat is to help the body (and mind) to deal with the challenges involved in a retreat.

It especially helps people from the West who are not used to sitting in a medi­tative pos­ture on the floor for long periods. Sooner or later bodily dis­com­fort in knees, hips, back, shoulders, and neck may arise. Yoga aims to help with this situation.

Women and men have separate classes with a female in­struc­tor for the women and a male in­struc­tor for the men.

During the med­i­ta­tion retreat the mind should become calm and peace­ful and the par­tici­pants should become aware what is going on in their bodies and minds. The yoga class is designed to accomplish just that, is designed to prepare body and mind for med­i­ta­tion.

Most par­tici­pants gain a lot during the 10 days of the yoga class and many continue with the routine or parts of it after the retreat.

A detailed description of the yoga routine Khun Reinhard has taught for a couple of years to the male par­tic­i­pants of the retreats can be downloaded as a pdf-file (13 A4 pages) at
   Yoga-Routine.pdf (1,337 kB)