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Contact - FAQ

Contact - FAQ

Please note:
For the time being emails regarding the medi­tation retreats at the

Suan Mokkh Inter­na­tio­nal Dharma Hermitage

cannot get an­swered.

The retreats will run as usual every month.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

This website was updated on January 22, 2025

  • Is it possible to join a retreat at other times of the month?
    The retreats always start at the 1st of each month. Reg­is­tra­tion has to be in person on the last day of the previous month before 3:00 p.m. Advance booking is not possible.
    It is not pos­si­ble to join a retreat or organised activities at other times of the month.

  • Are shorter or longer than the offered 10-day retreats available?
    We offer 10-day retreats only. There are no longer or shorter retreats available.

  • Is it possible to join part of a retreat only?
    We conduct 10-day med­i­ta­tion retreats because we regard 10 days as nec­es­sary to get some benefit out of a retreat. The teachings and the structure of the retreat is designed for a period of 10 days and therefore we ask the par­tici­pants to commit them­selves for this period of time. We do not accept people who cannot stay for 10 days.

  • Is it possible to register after 3:00 p.m. on Reg­is­tra­tion Day?
    It is not possible to register after 3:00 p.m. on Reg­is­tra­tion Day. Please keep in mind that it is no good idea at all rushing to a retreat, arriving stressed out, maybe even jet lagged and expect to get some benefit out of it. Doing this is actually a waste of time and energy. If one wants to get something valuable out of a retreat then one should arrive bodily and mentally relaxed.

  • Is it possible to stay before or after the retreat at the retreat center or at the main Suan Mokkh mon­as­tery?
    It is not possible to stay at the retreat center before or after the retreat.

    Anyone arriving early for a retreat, wanting to stay longer or arriving dur­ing retreats is wel­come to stay, ini­tial­ly for up to seven days, at the main Suan Mokkh mon­as­tery. If, after seven days, you intend to pro­long your stay, you need to get per­mis­sion by the abbot of Suan Mokkh or his rep­re­sen­ta­tive. Per­mis­sion will readily be granted to dedi­cated medi­tators and students of Buddhism. Doing a chore (com­mu­nity work like sweeping leaves) while staying is part of the practice.
    Reservation is neither possible nor nec­es­sary. Just show up and find the information desk inside the mon­as­tery. Please do not arrive after dark.
    Accommodation in dorms (for men) or individual rooms (for women) is free; food is avail­able inside the monastery or at the nearby stalls. There is an excellent library with books in many languages as well. Please note that there are neither organised ac­tiv­i­ties nor a certain schedule to be followed, no teachings or instruc­tions been offered while staying at the main Suan Mokkh mon­as­tery. This pos­si­bili­ty is there­fore most suitable for people who have done a retreat at the In­ter­na­tion­al Dharma Her­mit­age already or for ex­pe­rienced meditators who can use the wat's facilities without guidance.

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  • Is it possible that pregnant women or people suf­fer­ing from meta­bolic dis­orders like diabetes or people in need to take medi­cine get some extra food be­sides the two meals?
    Pregnant women or people suf­fer­ing from meta­bolic dis­orders like diabetes or people in need to take medi­cine etc. may get some fruits besides the two meals.
    Please contact the staff on Reg­is­tra­tion Day.

  • Is it possible to get a special diet? Can I bring my own food?
    We are sorry, but we cannot provide any extras or special diets and you may not bring any food or drink in the retreat.

  • Do par­tici­pants (with back or hip or knee problems) have to sit cross legged during the retreat?
    We do not expect the par­tici­pants to sit cross legged for extended periods of time. Different ways of sitting in med­i­ta­tion will be introduced, mats and cush­ions and some aids like kneeling benches are provided. People in need may sit on a chair.
    Please contact the staff on Reg­is­tra­tion Day.

  • Is the retreat suitable for people in need of crutches or wheel chairs?
    The facilities at the retreat centre are suitable for people in need of crutches or wheel chairs.

  • I cannot speak English (well). Can I join the retreat or are retreats in other lan­guages available?
    All talks and instructions are given in English. You need to have a sufficient com­mand of English to understand them, otherwise you cannot take part in the retreat.
    We are sorry, but we do not offer retreats in other languages than English and Thai (for Thais).

    For information about the Thai retreat in Thai language please visit: http://www.dhammadana.or.th/

  • Would it be possible for our children to participate in a 10-day retreat with us?
    Our silent 10-day med­i­ta­tion retreat is not suitable for children. We do not accept children or families with underaged children.

  • Is it possible to become a novice or to ordain as a Buddhist monk at Wat Suan Mokkh?
    It is not possible for foreigners to become a novice or to ordain as a Buddhist monk at Wat Suan Mokkh.
    If you are looking for a possibility to become a novice or may be a monk later on please contact Wat Pah Nanachat in the northeast of Thailand:

    Wat Pah Nanachat
    Bahn Bung Wai
    Amper Warin Chamrap
    Ubon Rachathani 34310

    Wat Pah Nanachat is run by (mainly foreign) disciples of the late Tan Ajahn Chah. There is quite a big community of foreign monks and lay persons living there and they have a lot of experience in ordaining foreigners in Thailand. You can stay there for some time and study their way of living before you make your decision.


Please note:
For the time being emails regarding the medi­tation retreats at the

Suan Mokkh Inter­na­tio­nal Dharma Hermitage

cannot get an­swered.

The retreats will run as usual every month.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

This website was updated on January 22, 2025

  • Is it possible to join a retreat at other times of the month?
    The retreats always start at the 1st of each month. Reg­is­tra­tion has to be in person on the last day of the previous month before 3:00 p.m. Advance book­ing is not possible.
    It is not pos­si­ble to join a retreat or organised activities at other times of the month.

  • Are shorter or longer than the offered 10-day retreats available?
    We offer 10-day retreats only. There are no longer or shorter retreats available.

  • Is it possible to join part of a retreat only?
    We conduct 10-day med­i­ta­tion retreats because we regard 10 days as nec­es­sary to get some benefit out of a retreat. The teachings and the structure of the retreat is designed for a period of 10 days and therefore we ask the par­tici­pants to commit them­selves for this period of time. We do not accept people who cannot stay for 10 days.

  • Is it possible to register after 3:00 p.m. on Reg­is­tra­tion Day?
    It is not possible to register after 3:00 p.m. on Reg­is­tra­tion Day. Please keep in mind that it is no good idea at all rushing to a retreat, arriving stressed out, maybe even jet lagged and expect to get some benefit out of it. Doing this is actually a waste of time and energy. If one wants to get something valuable out of a retreat then one should arrive bodily and mentally relaxed.

  • Is it possible to stay before or after the retreat at the retreat center or at the main Suan Mokkh mon­as­tery?
    It is not possible to stay at the retreat center before or after the retreat.

    Anyone arriving early for a retreat, wanting to stay longer or arriving dur­ing retreats is wel­come to stay, ini­tial­ly for up to seven days, at the main Suan Mokkh mon­as­tery. If, after seven days, you intend to pro­long your stay, you need to get per­mis­sion by the abbot of Suan Mokkh or his rep­re­sen­ta­tive. Per­mis­sion will readily be granted to dedi­cated medi­tators and students of Buddhism. Doing a chore (com­mu­nity work like sweeping leaves) while staying is part of the practice.
    Reservation is neither possible nor nec­es­sary. Just show up and find the information desk inside the mon­as­tery. Please do not arrive after dark.
    Accommodation in dorms (for men) or individual rooms (for women) is free; food is avail­able inside the monastery or at the nearby stalls. There is an excellent library with books in many languages as well. Please note that there are neither organised ac­tiv­i­ties nor a certain schedule to be followed, no teachings or instruc­tions been offered while staying at the main Suan Mokkh mon­as­tery. This pos­si­bili­ty is there­fore most suitable for people who have done a retreat at the In­ter­na­tion­al Dharma Her­mit­age already or for ex­pe­rienced meditators who can use the wat's facilities without guidance.

  • Is it possible that pregnant women or people suf­fer­ing from meta­bolic dis­orders like diabetes or people in need to take medi­cine get some extra food be­sides the two meals?
    Pregnant women or people suf­fer­ing from meta­bolic dis­orders like diabetes or people in need to take medi­cine etc. may get some fruits besides the two meals.
    Please contact the staff on Reg­is­tra­tion Day.

  • Is it possible to get a special diet? Can I bring my own food?
    We are sorry, but we cannot provide any extras or special diets and you may not bring any food or drink in the retreat.

  • Do par­tici­pants (with back or hip or knee problems) have to sit cross legged during the retreat?
    We do not expect the par­tici­pants to sit cross legged for extended periods of time. Different ways of sitting in med­i­ta­tion will be introduced, mats and cush­ions and some aids like kneeling benches are provided. People in need may sit on a chair.
    Please contact the staff on Reg­is­tra­tion Day.

  • Is the retreat suitable for people in need of crutches or wheel chairs?
    The facilities at the retreat centre are suitable for people in need of crutches or wheel chairs.

  • I cannot speak English (well). Can I join the retreat or are retreats in other lan­guages available?
    All talks and instructions are given in English. You need to have a sufficient com­mand of English to understand them, otherwise you cannot take part in the retreat.
    We are sorry, but we do not offer retreats in other languages than English and Thai (for Thais).

    For information about the Thai retreat in Thai language please visit: http://www.dhammadana.or.th

  • Would it be possible for our children to participate in a 10-day retreat with us?
    Our silent 10-day med­i­ta­tion retreat is not suit­able for children. We do not accept children or families with under­aged children.

  • Is it possible to become a novice or to ordain as a Buddhist monk at Wat Suan Mokkh?
    It is not possible for foreigners to become a novice or to ordain as a Buddhist monk at Wat Suan Mokkh.
    If you are looking for a possibility to become a novice or may be a monk later on please contact Wat Pah Nanachat in the northeast of Thailand:

    Wat Pah Nanachat
    Bahn Bung Wai
    Amper Warin Chamrap
    Ubon Rachathani 34310

    Wat Pah Nanachat is run by (mainly foreign) disciples of the late Tan Ajahn Chah. There is quite a big community of foreign monks and lay persons living there and they have a lot of experience in ordaining foreigners in Thailand. You can stay there for some time and study their way of living before you make your decision.


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