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Welcome to the official website for the English-language med­i­ta­tion retreats at the Inter­national Dharma Her­mit­age of Wat Suan Mokkh

Our 10-day silent medi­ta­tion re­treats start at the 1st of each month. Reg­is­tra­tion has to be in per­son on the last day of the pre­vi­ous month. Advance booking is not pos­si­ble. The re­treats end on the 11th day of the month.

There are neither shorter nor longer re­treats avail­able and it is not pos­si­ble to join only part of a re­treat or to start a retreat or other or­gan­ised ac­tiv­i­ties at other times of the month.

However, every­one is welcome to visit the main mon­as­tery at Suan Mokkh between re­treats to do their own prac­tice (full details on the Wat Suan Mokkh page).

Coconut grove
Founded by Buddha­dāsa Bhikkhu in 1986 in a southern Thai­land co­conut grove, the Suan Mokkh In­ter­na­tion­al Dharma Her­mitage aims to foster world peace and mutual un­der­stand­ing between religions. Em­pha­siz­ing humility, sim­plic­i­ty, and in­ti­ma­cy with nature, its monthly med­i­ta­tion retreats led since its foun­da­tion have trained about 30,000 (as of Sep. 2023) in­ter­na­tion­al vis­i­tors from many walks of life, between 17 and more than 70 years of age in the theory and prac­tice of Dhamma.

The retreat allows us to with­draw from our usual ac­tivi­ties to a quiet and secluded place and devote our time to study, con­tem­pla­tion and med­i­ta­tion. The teachings and the struc­ture of the retreats at the Inter­na­tion­al Dharma Hermitage of Wat Suan Mokkh are designed for a period of 10 days and therefore we ask the par­tici­pants to commit them­selves for this period of time. We do not accept people for less than 10 days.

The med­i­ta­tion technique taught is
Mindfulness with Breathing.

(concentration and vipassana meditation)

Besides learning and practising how to meditate, par­tici­pants will get an intro­duction to some other aspects of the Buddha's teaching, including the Four Noble Truths which in­clude the Noble Eightfold Path.

In order to do the retreat suc­cess­fully, you must be really free from all com­mit­ments for the pe­riod of the retreat. All phone calls, e-mail, letters, tickets, flight con­fir­ma­tions, money changing, visa extensions etc. must be arranged and organ­ized before the retreat begins. There is no way to do them during the retreat. Your phone, tab­let, notebook etc. has to be de­po­sited for safe keeping during the retreat.

You must be in good general health, both physi­cally and mentally. The retreat is not suitable for people with mental disorders or drug addictions.

A motto of Venerable Ajahn Buddha­dāsa was "Live plainly, aim high". This is re­flect­ed in the retreat's very simple living con­di­tions in close contact with nature. For example:
  • The private room for your use is small, con­tain­ing just a hard bed with a simple straw mat, a blanket, a mos­qui­to net, and a wooden pillow.
    Toilets (mainly Western style) and baths (Asian style mandi) are shared fa­cil­ities.
  • We'll have two vegetarian meals a day plus a drink in the evening.
    We cannot provide any extras or special diets and you may not bring any food or drink in the retreat.
Dormitory overview Dormitory private room
Dormitory - inner court­yard and private room

Please bring
  • Loose clothing e.g. T-shirt, fisher­man pants. Due to monastic custom the body should be com­plete­ly covered from the shoulders to below the knees, in­clud­ing the upper arms. No see-through clothing please.
    It is not necessary to dress in white during the retreat.
  • Slippers, since shoes have to be taken off in all buildings.
  • Personal toiletries, mosquito repellent, towel, hand mirror for shaving.
  • Umbrella or raincoat (during rainy season).
Some purchases (toiletries, etc.) can be made during the retreat at our small shop.